Holt, Thomas J.; Lee, Jee Rin; Freilich, John D.; Chermak, Steven M.; Bauer, Johannes M.; Shillair, Ruth & Ross, Arun (2020) An exploratory analysis of the characteristics of ideologically motivated cyberattacks, Terrorism and Political Violence, DOI: 10.1080/09546553.2020.1777987.
Hong, Soo Jeong; Bauer, Johannes M.; Lee, Kwangjin; Granados, Nelson (2020), Drivers of supplier participation in ride-hailing platforms, Journal of Management Information Systems, in print37(3), 602-630. https://doi.org/10.1080/07421222.2020.1790177..
Feijóo, Claudio; Kwon, Youngsun; Bauer, Johannes M.; Bohlin, Erik; Howell, Bronwyn; Jain, Rekha; Potgieter, Petrus; Vu, Khuong; Whalley, Jason; Xia, Jun (2020). Harnessing artificial intelligence (AI) to increase wellbeing for all: The case for a new technology diplomacy, Telecommunications Policy, published online 7 May 2020.
Bauer, Johannes M. (2018), The Internet and income inequality: Socio-economic challenges in a hyperconnected society, Telecommunications Policy, published online 16 June 2017, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.telpol.2017.05.009.
Bauer, Johannes M. & Knieps, Günter (2018), Complementary innovation and network neutrality, Telecommunications Policy, published online 6 December 2017, https://doi-org.proxy1.cl.msu.edu/10.1016/j.telpol.2017.11.006. Available at SSRN.
Garcia-Murillo, Martha; MacInnes, Ian; & Bauer, Johannes M. (2018), Techno-unemployment: A framework for assessing the effects of information and communication technologies on work, Telematics & Informatics, 13(7), 1363-1876.
Asghari, Hadi, van Eeten, Michel, & Bauer, Johannes M. (2015), Economics of fighting botnets: Lessons from a decade of mitigation, IEEE Privacy & Security, September/October: 16-23.
Bauer, Johannes M. (2015), Governing the mobile broadband ecosystem, International Telecommunications Policy Review, 22(2): 1-27. Available at SSRN.
Bauer, Johannes M. (2014), Platforms, systems competition, and innovation: reassessing the foundations of communications policy, Telecommunications Policy, 38, DOI: 10.1016/j.telpol.2014.04.008, (PDF).
Bauer, Johannes M., Madden, Gary, & Morey, Aaron (2014), Effects of economic conditions and policy interventions on OECD broadband adoption, Applied Economics, 46(12): 1361-1372.
Bauer, Johannes M. & Obar, Jonathan A. (2014), Reconciling political and economic goals in the net neutrality debate, The Information Society, 30(1), p. 1-19, (PDF).
Larose, Robert, Bauer, Johannes M. DeMaagd, Kurt, Chew, Han Ei, Ma, Wenjuan, & Jung, Yumi (2014), Public broadband investment priorities in the United States: an analysis of the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program, Government Information Quarterly, 31(1): 53-64.
Larose, Robert, DeMaagd, Kurt, Chew, Han Ei, Tsai, H.-Y. Sandy, Steinfield, Charles, Wildman, Steven S., & Bauer, Johannes M. (2012), Measuring sustainable broadband adoption: An innovative approach to understanding broadband adoption and use, International Journal of Communication, 6, pp. 2576-2600.
Bauer, Johannes M. & Van Eeten, Michel (2011), Introduction to the economics of cybersecurity, Communications & Strategies, no. 81, 1st quarter 2011, p. 13-21.
DeMaagd, Kurt and Bauer, Johannes M. (2011), Modeling the dynamic interactions of agents in the provision of network infrastructure, Information Systems Frontiers, 13: 669-680.DOI 10.1007/s10796-010-9244-2.
Bauer, Johannes M. (2010), Changing roles of the state in telecommunications,International Telecommunications Policy Review, 17: 127-145.
Bauer, Johannes M. (2010), Learning from each other: conceptual and empirical foundations of cross-national benchmarking, Info, 12(6): 2-20.
Bauer, Johannes M. (2010), Regulation, public policy, and investment in communications infrastructure, Telecommunications Policy, 34(1): 65-79.
Wu, Yuehua and Bauer, Johannes M. (2010), E-government in China: development and driving forces of provincial portals, Chinese Journal of Communications, 3(3): 290-310.
Bauer, Johannes M. and Van Eeten, Michel (2009), Cybersecurity: stakeholderincentives, externalities, and policy options, Telecommunications Policy, 33(10-11): 706-719.
Van Eeten, Michel J. G. and Bauer, Johannes M. (2009), Megacrises and the internet: risks, incentives and externalities, Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 17(4): 592-608.
Bauer, Johannes M. and Bohlin, Erik (2008), From static to dynamic regulation:recent developments in U.S. telecommunications policy, Intereconomics: Review of European Economic Policy, 43(1): 38-50.
Bauer, Johannes M. (2007), Dynamic effects of network neutrality, International Journal of Communication, 1: 531-547, available at http://ijoc.org/ojs/index.php/ijoc/article/view/156/79.
Bauer, Johannes M., Ha, Imsook and Saugstrup, Dan (2007), Mobile television:challenges of advanced service design, Communications of the Association for Information Security, 20: 621-631.
Bauer, Johannes M. and Wildman, Steven S. (2006), Looking backwards and looking forwards in contemplating the next rewrite of the Communications Act, Federal Communications Law Journal, 58(3): 415-438.
Wildman, Steven S., Bauer, Johannes M. & Ting, Carol (2006), Modeling the efficiency properties of spectrum governance regimes, Info, 8(2): 82-96.
Bauer, Johannes M. (2005), Bundling, differentiation, alliances, and mergers:convergence strategies in U.S. communications markets, Communications & Strategies 60: 59-83.
Bauer, Johannes M. (2005), Regulation and state ownership: conflicts and complementarities in EU telecommunications, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics 76(2): 151-177.
Bauer, Johannes M. (2005), Unbundling policy in the United States: players, outcomes and effects, Communications & Strategies 57: 59-82.
Bauer, Johannes M., Kim, Junghyun, & Wildman, Steven S. (2005), Towards an integrative framework for assessing broadband policy options, Michigan State Law Review, Spring, Issue 1: 21-50.
Ting, Carol F., Wildman, Steven S. & Bauer, Johannes M. (2005), A welfare comparison of spectrum property and spectrum commons governance regimes,”Telecommunications Policy 29: 711-720.
Bauer, Johannes M., (2004), Harnessing the swarm: communications policy in an era of ubiquitous networks and disruptive technologies, Communications & Strategies, 54(2nd quarter): 19-43.
Bauer, Johannes M., Vesperini, Paola, & Wildman, Steven S. “The state of telecommunications: realities, regulation, and restructuring,” Michigan State University-DCL Law Review 4, 2003, pp. 531-561.
Bauer, Johannes M. “Impact of license fees on the prices of mobile voice service,”Telecommunications Policy 27, 2003, no. 5-6, pp. 417-434.
Cherry, Barbara A. & Bauer, Johannes M., “Institutional arrangements and rate rebalancing: evidence from the United States and Europe, Information Economics and Policy 14, 2002, pp. 495-517
Bauer, Johannes M. & Wildman, Steven S., “Rethinking access: introduction to the symposium theme and framework,” The Law Review of Michigan State University – Detroit College of Law 3, 2002, pp. 605-617
Maitland, Carleen F., Bauer, Johannes M. & Westerveld, Rudi, “The European market for mobile data,” Telecommunications Policy 26, 2002, no. 9-10, pp. 485-504
Bauer, Johannes M., Berne, Michel & Maitland, Carleen F.,“Internet access in theEuropean Union and in the United States,” Telematics and Informatics 19, 2002, pp. 117-137
Bauer, Johannes M., “Universal service in the European Union,” Government Information Quarterly 16, 1999, no. 4, pp. 329-343
Steinfield, Charles F., Mahler, Alwin, & Bauer, Johannes M. “Electronic commerce and the local merchant,” Electronic Markets 9, 1999, pp. 51-57.
Bauer, Johannes M. “Market power, technical change and efficiency in telecommunications: Schumpeter reconsidered,” Journal of Economic Issues 31, 1997, pp. 557-565.
Bauer, Johannes M. “The regulatory treatment of utility diversification”, Land Economics 33, 1995, pp. 386-400.
Bauer, Johannes M. “The emergence of global networks in telecommunications: transcending national regulation and market constraints”, Journal of Economic Issues 28, 1994, pp. 109-124.
Bauer, Johannes M. “Telecommunications in Post-1992 Europe,” International Review of Comparative Public Policy 5, 1993, pp. 109-135.
Bauer, Johannes M. “Die Reorganisation der öffentlichen Wirtschaft in Österreichund ihre Effizienzwirkungen,” Der öffentliche Sektor 16, 1990, pp. 44-73.
Bauer, Johannes M. “Organisationsform und Effizienz in derVersorgungswirtschaft”, Der öffentliche Sektor 15, 1989, pp. 133-152.
Bauer, Johannes M. “Privatisierung und Effizienz”, Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter 34, 1987, pp. 584-593.
Bauer, Johannes M. et.al. “A technology assessment of new telecommunications services,” Telecommunications Policy 11, 1987, pp. 334-346.
Bauer, Johannes M. “Grenzverschiebungen zwischen öffentlicher und privaterWirtschaft in Österreich 1970-1985,” Journal für Sozialforschung 26, 1986, pp. 283-318.
Bauer, Johannes M. and van Eeten, Michel (2009) “Securing cyberspace: realigning economic incentives in the ICT value net,” in: Proceedings of the WebSci’09: Society On-Line, 18-20 March 2009, Athens, Greece.
Cherry, Barbara A. and Bauer, Johannes M. (2007) “Complex systems approach to policymaking for telecommunications,” Proceeding of the Multi-Conference onSystemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, FL.
Bauer, Johannes M. (2004) “Harnessing the swarm: communications policy in an era of ubiquitous networks and disruptive technologies,” Proceedings of the European Communications Policy Research Conference, Barcelona, Spain, March 28-30
Bauer, Johannes M. (2001) “Fundamentos normativos de la política telecommunicaciones en la sociedad de la información Europea”, in R. Máiz (ed.),Construcción de Europa, democracia y globalización, Santiago de Compostela: Servicio de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico, pp. 411-430
With Margot P. C. Weijnen, Adam L. Turk, and Paulien M. Herder (2001),“Delineating the scope of convergence in infrastructures: new frontiers for competition,” in Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Technology, Policy and Innovation, The Hague, The Netherlands.
With Ernst van ten Heuvelhof, Martijn Kuit, and Helen D. Stout (2001), “Capacity management in infrastructure sectors: the Dutch experience,” in Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Technology, Policy and Innovation, The Hague, The Netherlands.
With Barbara A. Cherry (2000), “Institutional arrangements and rate rebalancing: evidence from the EU and the US,” Proceedings of the 14th Biannual Conference of the International Telecommunications Society, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Bauer, Johannes M. (1996), “The role of national policy in an era of global networks,” in: Harnessing Telecommunications Convergence, Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the Pacific Telecommunications Council (Honolulu, Hawaii: PTC).
Bauer, Johannes M. “Restructuring of public utilities in a global perspective,” NRRI Quarterly Bulletin, Spring 1994.
Bauer, Johannes M. “Privatisierung. Ein internationaler Vergleich,”Gemeinwirtschaft 3, 1987, pp. 7-18 [Privatization: an international comparison].
Nowotny, Ewald, & Bauer, Johannes M. “Steuerungsmechanismen derAbfallwirtschaft,” Gemeinwirtschaft 3, 1987, pp. 15-22 [Governance mechanisms for the waste disposal industry] .
Bauer, Johannes M. “Telekommunikation zwischen Regulierung und Deregulierung,”Gemeinwirtschaft 3, 1987, pp. 85-96 [Telecommunications between regulation and deregulation].
Bauer, Johannes M. and Latzer, Michael (eds.) (2016), Handbook on the economics of the Internet, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar. Papberback edition December 2017.
Bauer, Johannes M., Lang, Achim, and Schneider, Volker (eds.) (2012), Innovation policy and governance of high-technology industries: the complexity of coordination, Berlin, New York: Springer.
Weijnen, Margot P. C., Bauer, Johannes M., Chamoux, Jean-Pierre, Ehrenfeld, John, and Jones, Douglas N. (eds.) (2001), Walking a thin line in infrastructures: balancing short term goals and long term nature. Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference of the Delft Interfaculty Research Center Design and Management of Infrastructures, Delft, The Netherlands: Delft University Press.
Mody, Bella, Bauer, Johannes M., & Straubhaar, Joseph D.(eds.) 1995),Telecommunication politics: ownership and control of the information highway in developing countries, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Steinfield, Charles, Bauer, Johannes M., & Caby, Laurence (eds.) (1994),Telecommunications in transition: policies, services, and technologies in the European Community, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Bauer, Johannes M. & Latzer, Michael (eds.). (1993) Nützliche Verbindungen. NeueTelekommunikationsdienste in Europa, Vienna-Munich: R. Oldenbourg Publishers. [Useful connections: new telecommunications services in Europe.]
Bauer, Johannes M. & Marterbauer, Markus (eds.) (1991), Ende des Protektionismus. Ökonomische Auswirkungen einer Liberalisierung des öffentlichen Beschaffungswesens, Vienna: Verlag der Wirtschaftsuniversität. [The end of protectionism: economic effects of liberalizing public sector procurement]
Abele, Hanns & Bauer, Hannes (1984), Die Bundestheater in der österreichischen Wirtschaft, Vienna: Ueberreuter. [The economic impact of the Austrian Federal Theaters]
Bauer, Johannes M. and Koning, Kendall (in press 2014), “Internet telephony”, in: R. Mansell and P.-H. Ang (eds.), The international encyclopedia of digital communication and society, Wiley Blackwell-ICA Encyclopedias of Communication. Malden and Oxford: Wiley
Bauer, Johannes M. and Kim, Sungjoong (2013), “Approaches to overcoming data and analysis challenges in international comparisons of advanced communication services”, in: A. Schejter and R. D. Taylor (eds.), Beyond broadband access: developing data-based information policy strategies, pp, 88-102, New York: Fordham University Press.
Van Eeten, Michel and Bauer, Johannes M. (2013), “Enhancing incentives for Internet security”, in: I. Brown (ed.), Research handbook on governance of the Internet, pp. 445-484, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
Bauer, Johannes M. (2012), “Entrepreneurship and government in U.S. high-tech policy,” in J. M. Bauer, A. Lang, and V. Schneider (eds.) Innovation policies and governance in high-technology industries: the complexity of coordination, pp. 103-125, Berlin: Springer.
Van Eeten Michel, Bauer, Johannes M. (2012), “Mega-crises and the Internet: risks, incentives, and externalities”, in: I. Helsloot, A. Boin, B. Jacobs, and L. K. Comfort (eds.), Mega-crises: understanding the prospects, nature, characteristics and effects of cataclysmic events, pp. 356-370, Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas Publishers.
Bauer, Johannes M., Lang, Achim, and Schneider, Volker (2012), “Innovation policy and high-tech development: and introduction,” in: J. M. Bauer, A. Lang, and V. Schneider (eds.) Innovation policies and governance in high-technology industries: the complexity of coordination, pp. 1-19, Berlin: Springer.
DeMaagd, Kurt and Bauer, Johannes M. (2012) “Network neutrality and sector performance: exploring policy options with simulation methods”, in: G. Faulhaber. G. Madden & J. Petchey (eds.) Regulation and the performance of communication and information networks, pp. 209-226, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.
Lang, Achim, Schneider, Volker, and Bauer, Johannes M. (2012), “Innovation policy and high-tech development: conclusions,” in J. M. Bauer, A. Lang, and V. Schneider (eds.) Innovation policies and governance in high-technology industries: the complexity of coordination, pp. 287-299, Berlin: Springer
Bauer, Johannes M., Ha, Imsook, and Saugstrup, Dan (2009) „Technical, businessand policy challenges of mobile TV“, in: B. Preissl, P. Curwen, and J. Haucap(eds.), Telecommunication Markets: Drivers and Impediments, pp. 419-434, Berlin: Springer.
Van Eeten, Michel and Bauer, Johannes M. (2009) „The economics of malware“, in:OECD, Computer viruses and other malicious software, Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Bauer, Johannes M. and Herder, Paulien M. (2009) „Designing socio-technicalsystems“, in: A. Meijers (ed.), Handbook of the Philosophy of the Technological Sciences, Amsterdam, Elsevier.
Bauer, Johannes M. and Schneider, Volker (2008) “Cooperation, competition andmutualism in the U.S. information and communication technology (ICT) sector,” in: J.R. Grote, A. Lang, and V. Schneider (eds.), Organised Business Interests in Changing Environments, Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Schneider, Volker and Bauer, Johannes M. (2008) „Governance-Theorie und die Analyse komplexer Systeme,“ in: J. Weyer and I. Schulz-Schaeffer (eds.),Management komplexer Systeme: Konzepte für die Bewältigung von Intransparenz, Unsicherheit und Chaos, München-Wien: Oldenbourg.
Ha, Imsook and Bauer, Johannes M. (2007) “Competition between mobile TV and broadcasters,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2007), Merrillville, IN, October 7-11.
Bauer, Johannes M. (2006) “Broadband in the United States,” in: M. Fransman(ed.), Global Broadband Battles: Why the U.S. and Europe lag and Asia Leads, pp. 133-163, Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
Lacy, Stephen and Bauer, Johannes M., “The future of media economics research,”forthcoming in: A. B. Albarran, M. O. Wirth and S. Chan-Olmsted (eds.), Handbook of Media Economics, pp. 653-672 (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2005).
Bauer, Johannes M., „Privatisierung von Infrastruktursektoren aus wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Sicht,“ in: V. Schneider & M. Tenbücken (eds.),Rollenveränderung des Staates in Infrastrukturbereichen, pp. 53-84 (Frankfurt am Main: Campus Verlag, 2004) [Privatization of infrastructure sectors: an economic perspective].
Bauer, Johannes M., “Spectrum management and the evolution of the mobile services industry,” in: R. Cooper & G. Madden (eds.) Frontiers of broadband, electronic and mobile commerce (New York: Springer, 2004)
Bauer, Johannes M. & Berne, Michel, “E-commerce and internet access in the European Union and the United States,” in: B. Preissl, W.A.G.A. Bouwman, & C.Steinfield (eds), E-life after the dot com bust (Berlin: Springer, 2004)
Bauer, Johannes M., “The role of regulation in an era of partial competition”, inE.F.M.. Wubben and W. Hulsink (eds.), On creating competition and strategic restructuring: regulatory reform in public utilities, pp. 35-66, (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2003)
Bauer, Johannes M., Kim, Jung Hyun, & Wildman, Steven S. “Broadband deployment: toward a more fully integrated policy perspective,” in: A. L.Shampine (ed.) Down to the wire: studies in the diffusion and regulation of telecommunications technologies (Hauppauge, NY.: 2003)
Bauer, Johannes M. “Normative foundations of policies towards the Europeaninformation society,” in: J. Jordana (ed.) Governing telecommunications and the new information society in Europe, pp. 110-133 (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2002).
Bauer, Johannes M. “Spectrum management: private property or commons?” in: R. E. Mansell, R. A. Samarajiva, and A. K. Mahan (eds.), Networking knowledge for information societies: institutions and intervention, pp. 118-126 (Delft, The Netherlands: Delft University Press, 2002)
Bauer, Johannes M., “Regulation in the perspective of the Gemeinwirtschaftslehre”, in: W. Samuels, E. Miller, G. W. Shepherd (eds.) The Institutionalist Approach to Public Utility Regulation, pp. 82-95 (East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 2002).
Maitland, Carleen F. & Bauer, Johannes M., “National level culture and globaldiffusion: the case of the Internet”, in C. Ess (ed.) Culture, technology, communication: towards an intercultural global village, pp. 87-128 (Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2001).
With Charles Steinfield & Alwin Mahler. “Electronic commerce and the local merchant: opportunities for synergy between physical and Web presence,” in E. Bohlin, K. Brodin, A. Lundgren, and B. Thorngren (eds), Convergence in communications: users, strategies and policies, pp. 269-280 (Amsterdam: North Holland, 1999).
Bauer, Johannes M. “Telecommunications in the United States,” in: I. Lewington(ed.) International Regulation Yearbook 1997 (London, 1997).
Bauer, Johannes M. “Alternatives to privatization”, in: B. Mody, J. M. Bauer, & J. D. Straubhaar (eds.) Telecommunication politics: ownership and control of the information highway in developing countries, pp. 261-285 (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1995).
Bauer, Johannes M. “The anatomy and regulatory repercussions of telecommunications globalization”, in G. W. Brock (ed.) Towards competition in telecommunications policy, pp. 179-204, (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1995).
Straubhaar, Joseph D., McCormick, Patricia, Bauer, Johannes M., & Campbell, Consuelo. “Telecommunications restructuring: the experience of eight countries”, in: B. Mody, J. M. Bauer, & J. D. Straubhaar (eds.) Telecommunication politics: ownership and control of the information highway in developing countries, pp. 225-245 (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1995).
Bauer, Johannes M. “Conceptual frameworks for the design of telecommunications policy,” in: C. Steinfield, J. M. Bauer & L. Caby (eds.) Telecommunications in transition: policies, services, and technologies in the European Community, pp. 18-35 (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1994).
Bauer, Johannes M. “Globalization of telecommunications operators under conditions of asymmetric national regulation”, in G. Pogorel (ed.) Global telecommunications strategies and technical change, pp. 287-303 (Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1994).
Bauer, Johannes M. & Steinfield, Charles. “Telecommunications initiatives of the European Communities”, in: C. Steinfield, J. M. Bauer & L. Caby (eds.)Telecommunications in transition: policies, services, and technologies in the European Community, pp. 51-70 (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1994).
Bauer, Johannes M. & Straubhaar, Joseph D. “Telecommunications in Central and Eastern Europe”, in: C. Steinfield, J. M. Bauer & L. Caby (eds.)Telecommunications in transition: policies, services, and technologies in the European Community, pp. 255-271 (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1994).
Bauer, Johannes M., Marterbauer, Markus & Walther, Herbert “OekonomischeEffekte einer Angleichung des oesterreichischen Beschaffungswesens an die EG-Bedingungen”, in: F. Schneider and R. Neck, eds., Europaeische Integration ausder Sicht kleiner offener Volkswirtschaften, pp. 183-206 (Vienna: Manz, 1993) [Economic effects of an adjustment of Austrian public sector procurement rules to EC law].
Bauer, Johannes M. “Europaeische Integration und Gemeinwirtschaft”, in: St. Griller, E. Lavric, & R. Neck (eds.), Europaeische Integration aus oesterreichischerSicht, pp. 49-71 (Vienna: Orac, 1991) [European integration and the public enterprise sector] .
Bauer, Johannes M. “De-Regulierung als wirtschaftspolitisches Instrument – einekritische Evaluation”, in: K. S. Althaler & M. Marterbauer (eds.),Steuerungsprobleme der Wirtschaftspolitik auf dem Weg in eine andere Moderne, pp. 29-46. Vienna: BEIGEWUM, 1989) [Deregulation as an instrument of economic policy].
Bauer, Johannes M. (1989b) “Oekonomische Rahmenbedingungen und dieAuswirkungen des Telekommunikationsrechtes”, in: K. Korinek & E. Stampfl-Blaha(eds.), Beitraege zum Telekommunikationsrecht, pp. 25-50 (Vienna: Orac, 1989) [Economic effects of telecommunications law].
Bauer, Johannes M. (1988) “Deregulierung der Europaeischen Gemeinschaft – Chance und Herausforderung fuer Oesterreich”, in: F. Schneider & M. Hofreither(eds.), Privatisierung und Deregulierung oeffentlicher Unternehmen inwesteuropaeischen Laendern: Erste Erfahrungen und Analysen, pp. 165-191 (Vienna: Manz, 1988) [Deregulation in the European Community: opportunity and challenge for Austria] .
Bauer, Johannes M., & Latzer, Michael. “Telecommunications in Austria”, in: J. Foreman-Peck, & J. Mueller (eds.), European telecommunication organisations, pp. 43-71 (Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 1988).
Bauer, Johannes M. “Oeffentliche Wirtschaft im Wandel”, in: H. Tieber, ed.,Zurueck in die Zukunft. Die oeffentliche Wirtschaft in Oesterreich, pp. 29-78 (Vienna: Jugend und Volk, 1987) [Public economy in transition] .
Bauer, Johannes M., & Latzer, Michael. “Impact and policy-challenge of telecommunications liberalisation for a small and open economy: a case study of Austria”, in: World Telecommunications Forum 87, pp. 37-41 (Geneva: International Telecommunications Union, 1987).
Bauer, Johannes M. “Telekommunikation in Oesterreich. Innovationspolitik ineinem dynamischen Infrastrukturbereich,” in: M. Scherb & I. Morawetz (eds.),Stahl und Eisen bricht. Industrie und staatliche Politik in Oesterreich, pp. 81-107 (Vienna: Verlag fuer Gesellschaftskritik, 1986) [Telecommunications in Austria: innovation policy in a dynamic infrastructure sector] .
Bauer, Johannes M. “Zwischen Wettbewerb und Monopolisierung: WievielWettbewerb vertraegt der Telekommunikationsbereich?” in: W. Kabelka & M.Chloupek (ed.), Wirtschaftliche Aspekte neuer Informationstechnologien, pp. 79-99 (Vienna: Linde, 1985) [Between competition and monopoly: defining on optimal degree of competition for telecommunications] .
Bauer, Johannes M. “Spikereifen: industriepolitische Entscheidungen? EineFallstudie zur Spikereifenproblematik”, in: H. Abele, E. Nowotny, S. Schleicher, & G. Winckler (eds.), Handbuch der oesterreichischen Wirtschaftspolitik, pp. 441-456 (Vienna: Manz, 1982) [Studded tires as a problem of industrial policy].
Bauer, Johannes M. (2014) Review of “Internet architecture and innovation,” B. van Schewick, MIT Press, 2011, Telecommunications Policy, 38: 406-410.
Bauer, Johannes M. (2010) Review of “Regulation and the evolution of the global telecommunications industry,” by A. Gentzoglanis and A. Henten, Edward Elgar, 2010, Communications & Strategies, No. 80, 4th quarter, pp. 163-166.
Bauer, Johannes M. (2010) Review of “Essentials of modern spectrum management”, by M. Cave, C. Doyle, and W. Webb, Telecommunications Policy, 34(11): 670-671.
Bauer Johannes M. (2001) “Technology policy and democratic society,” review of recent books on information and communications policy, Journal of Communication,51(2): 413.
Bauer, Johannes M. (2000) Review of “Communications policy and the public interest: the Telecommunications Act of 1996” by Patricia Aufderheide, Journal of Communication 50(1): 154-158.
Bauer, Johannes M. (1999) Review of “The liberalisation of telecommunications in Sweden: technology and regime change from the 1960s to 1993” by MagnusKarlsson, Technology and Culture 40(October): 926-927.
Bauer, Johannes M., and Wildman, Steven, “The Economics of Usage-Based Pricing in Local Broadband Markets”, Michigan State University, 2012.
Bauer, Johannes M., Grubesic, Anthony, and LaRose, Robert, “From data to action: mining the National Broadband Map to improve policy”, report to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, US Department of Commerce, February 2011.
Van Eeten, Asghari, Hadi, Bauer, Johannes M., Tabatabaie, Shirin, “The role of ISPs in botnet mitigation: a fact-finding study for the Netherlands,” Delft, The Netherlands, December 2010.
Van Eeten, Michel, Bauer, Johannes M., Asghari, Hadi, Tabatabaie, Shirin, “The role of ISPs in botnet mitigation: an analysis based on spam data”, STI Working Paper 2010/5, Paris: OECD, November 2010.
Van Eeten, Michel, Bauer, Johannes M. The economics of malware: security decisions, incentives and externalities, Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry, Committee for Information, Computer and Communications Policy, DSTI/ICCP/REG(2007)27, Paris: OECD, available at http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/53/17/40722462.pdf.
Bauer, Johannes M., van Eeten, Michel, Chattopadhyay, Tithi, and Wu, Belinda,Financial implications of network security: malware and spam, Report for the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Geneva, Switzerland, available at http://www.docstoc.com/docs/2399824/ITU-Study-on-the-Financial-Aspects-of-Network-Security-Malware
Van Eeten, Michel J. G., Bauer, Johannes M. with contributions from de Bruijne, Mark, Groenewegen, John, and Lemstra, Wolter, The economics of malware: security decisions, incentives, and externalities, Report for the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, Delft, The Netherlands, December 2007.
Bauer, Johannes M. and Bohlin, Erik, Recent U.S. developments in telecommunications deregulation: relevance for Europe, Report for the Deutsche Telekom Foundation, East Lansing, Michigan and Göteborg, Sweden, August 2006.
Bauer, Johannes M., Gai, Ping, Kim, Junghyun, Muth, Thomas A., and Wildman, Steven S., Benefits and public policy challenges of broadband communications, Report prepared for the Michigan Economic Development Corporation and MERIT, East Lansing, Michigan, October 2002.
Latzer, Michael, Schmitz, Stefan, Just, Natascha, Sint, Peter-Paul, and Bauer, Johannes M., Regionale Auswirkungen des e-commerce in Wien, Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences, July 2002 [Regional economic effects of ecommerce: the case of Vienna].
With Carleen F. Maitland and Rudi Westerveld, Advanced wireless communications infrastructure: technical, economic, and regulatory conditions of UMTS network deployment, Delft, The Netherlands: Delft University of Technology, August 2001.
With Michael Latzer, Stefan Schmitz, Natascha Just, and Peter-Paul Sint, Regionale Auswirkungen des e-commerce in Wien, Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences, July 2001.
Bauer, Johannes M., Grubesic, A. and LaRose, Robert (2011). “From data to action: mining the National Broadband Map to improve policy”, report to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, US Department of Commerce, February.
Van Eeten, Michel, Asghari, Hadi, Bauer, Johannes M., Tabatabaie, Shirin (2010). “The role of ISPs in botnet mitigation: a fact-finding study for the Netherlands,” Delft, The Netherlands, December.Van Eeten, Michel, Bauer, Johannes M., Asghari, Hadi, Tabatabaie, Shirin (2010). “The role of ISPs in botnet mitigation: an analysis based on spam data”, STI Working Paper 2010/5, Paris: OECD, November.
Bauer, Johannes M. (2009), “Regulation, public policy, and investment in communications infrastructure,” Quello Center Working Paper 09-02, East Lansing, MI, available at http://ssrn.com/abstract=1339043.
Van Eeten, Michel, Bauer, Johannes M., and Tabatabaie, Shirin (2009), Damages from Internet Security Incidents: a framework and toolkit for assessing the economic costs of security breaches, Report for OPTA, The Hague, Netherlands.
Bauer, Johannes M. (2009), “Regulation, public policy and investment incommunications infrastructure,” Quello Center Working Paper 09-02, East Lansing,Michigan: Michigan State University, available athttp://ssrn.com/abstract=1339043.
Bauer, Johannes M. “Governing the networks of the information society: prospects and limits of policy in a complex technical system,” Quello Center for Telecommunication Management & Law, Working Paper no. 01-04, April 2, 2004.
Bauer, Johannes M. “The coexistence of regulation, state ownership and competition in infrastructure industries.” Quello Center for Telecommunication Management & Law, Working Paper no. 03-03, April 18, 2003.